Personal Information
- Verena Traubinger, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, Sonia Abhyankar, Martin Gaedke (2024): Dataset "Dataset to the Paper: An Analysis of Federal and Municipal Chatbots in Germany"
- Sebastian Heil, Lucas Schröder, Martin Gaedke (2024): Conference Paper "WNSWE: Web-Based Network Simulator for Web Engineering Education"
- Sebastian Heil, Lucas Schröder, Martin Gaedke (2024): Journal Article "Client-Server Code Mobility at Runtime"
- Verena Traubinger, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "In Search of Dark Patterns in Chatbots"
- Sebastian Heil, Jan Haas, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "Enhancing Web Applications with Dynamic Code Migration Capabilities"
- Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "DCM: Dynamic Client-Server Code Migration"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Johanna Jagow, Maximilian Speicher, Kevin Bauer, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "A Taxonomy of User Behavior Model (UBM) Tools for UI Design and User Research"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2023): Journal Article "How Many Data Does Machine Learning in Human–Computer Interaction Need?: Re-Estimating the Dataset Size for Convolutional Neural Network-Based Models of Visual Perception"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2023): Journal Article "A Reasonable Effectiveness of Features in Modeling Visual Perception of User Interfaces"
- Maxim Bakaev, Maximilian Speicher, Johanna Jagow, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "We Don’t Need No Real Users?! Surveying the Adoption of User-less Automation Tools by UI Design Practitioners"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Leonid Chirkov, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "Benchmarking Neural Networks-Based Approaches for Predicting Visual Perception of User Interfaces"
- Sebastian Heil (2021): Thesis "Web Migration Revisited: Addressing Effort and Risk Concerns"
- Sebastian Heil, Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "Web User Interface as a Message: Power Law for Fraud Detection in Crowdsourced Labeling"
- Dang Vu Nguyen Hai, Christoph Göpfert, André Langer, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2021): Electronic Source "TUCfis: A holistic research information management approach to support the digital transformation of a university"
- Mahda Noura, Yichen Wang, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "OntoSpect: IoT Ontology Inspection by Concept Extraction and Natural Language Generation"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "Natural Language Goal Understanding for Smart Home Environments"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "VISH: Does Your Smart Home Dialogue System Also Need Training Data?"
- Maxim Bakaev, Maximilian Speicher, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "I Don’t Have That Much Data! Reusing User Behavior Models for Websites from Different Domains"
- Sebastian Heil, Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Assessing Completeness in Training Data for Image-Based Analysis of Web User Interfaces"
- Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Journal Article "Automatic Knowledge Extraction to build Semantic Web of Things Applications"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Webifying Heterogenous Internet of Things Devices"
- Sebastian Heil, Valentin Siegert, Martin Gaedke (2019): Book Section "Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering: Experiences in Applying Crowdsourcing to Concept Assignment"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Nikita Perminov, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Integration Platform for Metric-Based Analysis of Web User Interfaces"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2019): Journal Article "Auto-Extraction and Integration of Metrics for Web User Interfaces"
- Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Concept Extraction from Web of Things Knowledge Bases"
- Maxim Bakaev, Tatiana Laricheva, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Analysis and Prediction of University Websites Perceptions by Different User Groups"
- Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Exploring Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "HCI Vision for Automated Analysis and Mining of Web User Interfaces"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "GrOWTH: Goal-Oriented End User Development for Web of Things Devices"
- Bahareh Zarei, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Natural-Language-Enabled End-User Tool Endowed with Ontology-based Development"
- Sebastian Heil, Valentin Siegert, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "ReWaMP: Rapid Web Migration Prototyping leveraging WebAssembly"
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Evaluation of User-Subjective Web Interface Similarity with Kansei Engineering-Based ANN"
- Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Web Migration - A Survey Considering the SME Perspective"
- Maxim Bakaev, Vladimir Khvorostov, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Web Intelligence Linked Open Data for Website Design Reuse"
- Sebastian Heil, Stefan Wild, Michael Krug, Martin Gaedke (2016): Conference Paper "Towards Reputation-Aware Expert Finding with Linked Open Data"
- Sebastian Heil, Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke (2016): Conference Paper "Measuring and Ensuring Similarity of User Interfaces: the Impact of Web Layout"
- Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke, Sebastian Heil (2016): Electronic Source "Kansei Engineering Experimental Research with University Websites"
- Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke, Vladimir Khvorostov, Sebastian Heil (2016): Conference Paper "Extending Kansei Engineering for Requirements Consideration in Web Interaction Design"
- Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2016): Conference Paper "AWSM Agile Web Migration for SMEs"
- Sebastian Heil, Marco Drechsel, Martin Gaedke (2015): Conference Paper "Supporting the Developmentof Team-Climate-Aware Collaborative Web Applications"
- Stefan Wild, Fabian Wiedemann, Sebastian Heil, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Martin Gaedke (2015): Journal Article "ProProtect3: An Approach for Protecting User Profile Data from Disclosure, Tampering, and Improper Use in the Context of WebID"
- José Matías Rivero, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Esteban Robles Luna, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "An extensible, Model-Driven and end-user centric approach for API building"
- Sebastian Heil, Stefan Wild, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "CRAWL•E: Distributed Skill Endorsements in Expert Finding"
- Sebastian Heil, Stefan Wild, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "Collaborative Adaptive Case Management with Linked Data"
- José Matías Rivero, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Martin Gaedke, Gustavo Rossi (2013): Conference Paper "MockAPI: An Agile Approach Supporting API-first Web Application Development"
- Stefan Wild, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2013): Conference Paper "Protecting User Profile Data in WebID-based Social Networks Through Fine-grained Filtering"
- Stefan Wild, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2013): Conference Paper "Customized Views on Profiles in WebID-based Distributed Social Networks"
- Sebastian Heil, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Martin Gaedke (2012): Conference Paper "Supporting Semantic Interoperability in Inter-Widget-Communication-enabled User Interface Mashups"
- ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
- Fakultätsrat der Fakultät für Informatik (Faculty Council of the Faculty of Computer Science), Technische Universität Chemnitz
- Ethikkommission (Institutional Review Board/Independent Ethics Committee), Technische Universität Chemnitz
- ISWE (International Society for Web Engineering)
- INSTICC Institute of Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
Conference Organizing Committees
- STRAI @ ARES 2025 International Workshop on Secure, Trustworthy, and Robust AI: Workshop Chair
- ICWE 2024 24th International Conference on Web Engineering: Program Chair
- ICWE 2023 23rd International Conference on Web Engineering: Posters and Demo Chair
- Informatik 2017 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik: Proceedings and Local Organizer
Reviewer for Conferences and Journals
- TWEB ACM Transactions on the Web
- TR IEEE Transactions on Reliability
- IJHCI International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
- JWE Journal of Web Engineering
- MONE Mobile Networks and Applications: The Journal of Special Issues on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing
- CHI 2021 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- ICWE 2025 The 25th International Symposium on Web Engineering (Program Committee)
- IS-EUD 2025 The 10th International Symposium on End-User Development (Program Committee)
- WEBIST 2023 The 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (Program Committee)
- KKIO 2023 The 24th Conference on Practical Aspects of and Solutions for Software Engineering (Program Committee)
- FedCSIS S3E 2023 The 18th Conference on Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence: Systems, Software, System and Service Engineering Track (Program Committee)
- ISMAR 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Program Committee)
- WEB 2020 The 8th International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments (Program Committee)
- ASSE 2020 Advances in Software and Systems Engineering. (Program Committee)
- LASD'19 The 3rd International Conference on Lean and Agile Software Development. (Program Committee)
- EICS 2013 Engineering Interactive Computing Systems. (Demos Program Committee)
Co-Reviewer for Conferences
- ICWI 2023: The 22nd International Conference on WWW/Internet
- ICWE 2016: The 16th International Conference on Web Engineering
- SAC 2015: The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
- WWW 2013: The 22nd International World Wide Web Conference
- ICWE 2013: The 13th International Conference on Web Engineering
- ECIS 2013: The 21st European Conference on Information Systems
- ECOOP 2013: The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Current Projects
Type of project: EU Horizon Europe Network of Excellence (NoE)
Type of project: EU European University Initiative Alliance (EUI)
Past Projects
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: EU H2020 Research Project, Cascading Grant
Maxim Bakaev, et al.
Type of project: Research Collaboration Project
Mahda Noura, et al.
Type of project: Research Project
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: Industrial Research Cooperation
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: Development Project for Department of Computer Science
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: European Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Project
Current Students
- Sanika Humbe: Masterarbeit (2025) "Automating the Analysis of the Usage of Design System Tokens and Components"
- Het Modha: Masterarbeit (2025) "Integration of Pytest test results into Azure DevOps"
- Jannatul Ferdous: Masterarbeit (2025) "Managing AI bias in Web Systems"
- Lucas Schröder: Masterarbeit (2025) "Dynamically Partitioning WebAssembly-based Client-Server Applications"
- Atefeh Kasiri: Masterarbeit (2025) "Analysis of Large Language Models in Creating User Personas: A Comparative Study Across Cultures"
- Ketjona Lepuri: Masterarbeit (2025) "Al-Powered Bouldering Route Recommendation: Using Generative Al to Identify Optimal Climbing Paths for Beginners"
Advised Projects
- Calvin Liusnando: Masterarbeit (2024) "Developing a Web-based System for Automated Web User Interfaces Evaluation"
- Ekaterina Pavlova: Masterarbeit (2024) "Measuring UI complexity through analysis of UI Tests"
- Taymoor Ahmad: Masterarbeit (2024) "Empirical Analysis of Research Data Search Interfaces and Interaction"
- Pratik Poudel: Masterarbeit (2024) "Dynamic client-server code migration at runtime"
- Julia Getselev: Masterarbeit (2023) "Automatic conversion of explorative algorithms into edge-apps for machine tools"
- Shruti Nupur: Masterarbeit (2023) "Architecting a scalable notification system for mobile devices"
- Nils Trampel: Bachelorarbeit (2023) "Evaluation von Zwei-Faktor-Authentisierungsverfahren für Webanwendungen an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz"
- Salman Alam Siddiqi: Masterarbeit (2023) "Barrier-free Video Player with Sign Language Interpretation"
- Soukaina Hendy: Masterarbeit (2023) "Alternative Frontend Languages"
- Lucas Schmutzler: Masterarbeit (2023) "Leveraging Large Language Models for Automated Web Scraping: A Focus on Academic Career Planning"
- Maik Schoesau: Masterarbeit (2023) "Evaluation der Leistungsfähigkeit von gRPC und REST/JSON für Webschnittstellen"
- Muhammad Sadiq Odho: Masterarbeit (2023) "Microservice Demonstrator for Education"
- Chi Nam Du: Masterarbeit (2023) "Blockchain-based Reward Networks for Citizen Science"
- Eni Voci: Masterarbeit (2022) "A Data Science Approach to Academic Career Planning"
- Alexander Senger: Masterarbeit (2022) "Dynamische Code-Migration zwischen Client und Server zur Laufzeit"
- Waldemar Firrus: Masterarbeit (2022) "Computer-Aided Support for Cost-Efficient Operation of Traditional On-Premise Systems on Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds"
- Zhi-Hong Zhou: Masterarbeit (2022) "Reproducibility and Replicability in Web Engineering"
- Shruti Chauhan: Masterarbeit (2022) "Visual Assessment of Web User Interfaces for Interactive Machine Learning Tools"
- Sebastian Stauß: Bachelorarbeit (2022) "Blockchain-based Reward Networks for Citizen Science"
- Conrad Großer: Bachelorarbeit (2022) "Sozio-technische Assistenz beim Inbetriebnahme Prozess mittels adaptiv, ontologiebasierten Bayes’schen Netzen"
- Yamini Gupta: Masterarbeit (2022) "Evaluation of Feasibility of Web Application Development with Alternative Frontend Languages"
- Max Werler: Bachelorarbeit (2022) "Automatisierte Quelltextanalyse zur Evaluierung von Lösungen für Programmieraufgaben"
- Lucas Schmutzler: Bachelorarbeit (2021) "UI Object Detection"
- Richa Thukral: Masterarbeit (2021) "Automating the Detection and Analyzing the Manipulative Effects of Dark Patterns"
- Markus Nestmann: Praktikum (2021) "Visual Analysis Infrastructure"
- Juan Sebastian Quintero, Victor Flamenco: Masterarbeit (2019) "Visual Analysis of User Interfaces: Integrating Analyzers for Improved UI Object Detection"
- Hao Li: Masterarbeit (2019) "Improving Visual DNN-based Page Segmentation"
- Justin Förster: Praktikum (2018) "Wissensontologie für Quelltext"
- Hao Li: Praktikum (2018) "Visual Page Segmentation"
- René Groh: Praktikum (2018) "Erstellung von automatisierten Tests für die HL7-Import-Schnittstelle des M-PDMS"
- Valentin Siegert: Masterarbeit (2018) "Rapid web migration prototyping using WebAssembly"
- Thomas Weber: Bachelorarbeit (2018) "Vergleich von Algorithmen für die Transformation von Nutzeroberflächen ins Grid-Layout"
- Robin Buse: Praktikum (2017) "Simulation of Air Traffic Management Communication"
- Frank Siegel: Masterarbeit (2017) "Semantische Analyse von Quelltexten"
- Felix Grohmann: Bachelorarbeit (2017) "Optimierung der medizinischen Terminplanung durch Vorhersagenmodelle"
- Willy Schacht: Bachelorarbeit (2017) "Hybrid SaaS/Distributed Desktop Applications"
- Markus Keller: Praktikum (2017) "Visual Page Segmentation"
- Karsten Reichel: Masterarbeit (2017) "Korrelation von Annotationen in sich ändernden Quelltexten"
- Felix Förster: Masterarbeit (2017) "Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering"
- Fariba Qarib: Praktikum (2017) "Wissensontologie für Quelltext"
- Neha Wane: Masterarbeit (2017) "Web UI(X) Migration"
- Stefan Staude: Praktikum (2016) "Entwicklungsumgebungsintegration von Annotationen"
- Bernd Scheffler: Praktikum (2016) "Konzipierung von patientenorientierten Erinnerungslösungen"
- Haiping Chen: Masterarbeit (2016) "Hybrid SaaS/Distributed Desktop Applications"
- Felix Förster: Praktikum (2016) "Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering"
- Robin Buse, Michael Krasselt, Quyet Thang Nguyen: Praktikum (2016) "Konzipierung von zielgruppenorientierten Erinnerungslösungen"
- Sebastian Kaden: Bachelorarbeit (2016) "Integration mobiler Terminverwaltung für Patienten"
- Thomas Blasek: Masterarbeit (2016) "Web Migration Springboards"
- Felix Heft, Tommy Schimann: Teamorientierte Projektarbeit (2016) "Experiment Softwaremigration"
- Peter Thiel: Oberseminar (2016) "Current Research Trends in Crowdsourcing"
- Tobias Lang: Praktikum (2016) "Web Migration Springboards"
- Sven Maak, Annika Krebs: Masterarbeit (2016) "Entscheidungshilfesystem Softwaremigration"
- Tommy Schimann: Bachelorarbeit (2016) "Zielgruppenorientierte Terminverwaltung"
- Ken Schmidt: Masterarbeit (2016) "Gamified Reminder Systems"
- Markus Ast: Masterarbeit (2015) "Supporting Teams with Collaborative Goal Management"
- Markus Ast: Praktikum (2015) "Collaborative Goal Management - a comparison between LFA and OKR"
- Marco Drechsel: Masterarbeit (2015) "Supervising Team Affect in Adaptive Case Management Systems"
- Stefan Meier: Masterarbeit (2015) "Indikatorenbasiertes Case Management"
- Peter Thiel: Masterarbeit (2015) "Unterstützung von Knowledge Work durch Crowdsourcing"
- Nico Enderlein: Bachelorarbeit (2014) "Ortsabhängiges Aufgabenmanagement für mobile Endgeräte"
- Tilo Zemke: Diplomarbeit (2014) "Adaptive Vergleichsmetriken für Adaptive Case Management"
- Marco Drechsel: Masterarbeit (2013) "Steuerung und Automatisierung in Adaptive Case Management"
- Heiner Reinhardt: Diplomarbeit (2013) "Integration von numerischen Berechnungen in RDF-Datenbanken"
Teaching Activities
- Lecture "Design of Distributed Systems"
- Lecture "Current Trends in Web Engineering"
- Lecture "Advanced Software Engineering" (Lehrauftrag)
- Lecture "Cloud & Web Applications"
- Lecture "Computer Networks"
- Business Game "Web Engineering"
- Tutorial "Advanced Software Engineering" (Lehrauftrag)
- Tutorial "Cloud & Web Applications"
- Tutorial "Current Trends in Web Engineering"
- Tutorial "Software Service Engineering"
- Tutorial "Computer Networks"
- Tutorial "XML"
- Seminar "Web Engineering"
- Practical Course "Web Engineering"
- Practical Course "Software Engineering"