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Distributed and Self-organizing Systems
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems

Personal Information

Name: Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heil
Room: 1/B204
Phone: +49 371 531 32861
Fax: +49 371 531 8 32861


  1. Verena Traubinger, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, Sonia Abhyankar, Martin Gaedke (2024): Dataset "Dataset to the Paper: An Analysis of Federal and Municipal Chatbots in Germany"
  2. Sebastian Heil, Lucas Schröder, Martin Gaedke (2024): Conference Paper "WNSWE: Web-Based Network Simulator for Web Engineering Education"
  3. Sebastian Heil, Lucas Schröder, Martin Gaedke (2024): Journal Article "Client-Server Code Mobility at Runtime"
  4. Verena Traubinger, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "In Search of Dark Patterns in Chatbots"
  5. Sebastian Heil, Jan Haas, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "Enhancing Web Applications with Dynamic Code Migration Capabilities"
  6. Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "DCM: Dynamic Client-Server Code Migration"
  7. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Johanna Jagow, Maximilian Speicher, Kevin Bauer, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "A Taxonomy of User Behavior Model (UBM) Tools for UI Design and User Research"
  8. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2023): Journal Article "How Many Data Does Machine Learning in Human–Computer Interaction Need?: Re-Estimating the Dataset Size for Convolutional Neural Network-Based Models of Visual Perception"
  9. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2023): Journal Article "A Reasonable Effectiveness of Features in Modeling Visual Perception of User Interfaces"
  10. Maxim Bakaev, Maximilian Speicher, Johanna Jagow, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "We Don’t Need No Real Users?! Surveying the Adoption of User-less Automation Tools by UI Design Practitioners"
  11. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Leonid Chirkov, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "Benchmarking Neural Networks-Based Approaches for Predicting Visual Perception of User Interfaces"
  12. Sebastian Heil (2021): Thesis "Web Migration Revisited: Addressing Effort and Risk Concerns"
  13. Sebastian Heil, Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "Web User Interface as a Message: Power Law for Fraud Detection in Crowdsourced Labeling"
  14. Dang Vu Nguyen Hai, Christoph Göpfert, André Langer, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2021): Electronic Source "TUCfis: A holistic research information management approach to support the digital transformation of a university"
  15. Mahda Noura, Yichen Wang, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "OntoSpect: IoT Ontology Inspection by Concept Extraction and Natural Language Generation"
  16. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "Natural Language Goal Understanding for Smart Home Environments"
  17. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "VISH: Does Your Smart Home Dialogue System Also Need Training Data?"
  18. Maxim Bakaev, Maximilian Speicher, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "I Don’t Have That Much Data! Reusing User Behavior Models for Websites from Different Domains"
  19. Sebastian Heil, Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Assessing Completeness in Training Data for Image-Based Analysis of Web User Interfaces"
  20. Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Journal Article "Automatic Knowledge Extraction to build Semantic Web of Things Applications"
  21. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Webifying Heterogenous Internet of Things Devices"
  22. Sebastian Heil, Valentin Siegert, Martin Gaedke (2019): Book Section "Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering: Experiences in Applying Crowdsourcing to Concept Assignment"
  23. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Nikita Perminov, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Integration Platform for Metric-Based Analysis of Web User Interfaces"
  24. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2019): Journal Article "Auto-Extraction and Integration of Metrics for Web User Interfaces"
  25. Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Concept Extraction from Web of Things Knowledge Bases"
  26. Maxim Bakaev, Tatiana Laricheva, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Analysis and Prediction of University Websites Perceptions by Different User Groups"
  27. Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Exploring Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering"
  28. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "HCI Vision for Automated Analysis and Mining of Web User Interfaces"
  29. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "GrOWTH: Goal-Oriented End User Development for Web of Things Devices"
  30. Bahareh Zarei, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Natural-Language-Enabled End-User Tool Endowed with Ontology-based Development"
  31. Sebastian Heil, Valentin Siegert, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "ReWaMP: Rapid Web Migration Prototyping leveraging WebAssembly"
  32. Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Vladimir Khvorostov, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Evaluation of User-Subjective Web Interface Similarity with Kansei Engineering-Based ANN"
  33. Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Web Migration - A Survey Considering the SME Perspective"
  34. Maxim Bakaev, Vladimir Khvorostov, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Web Intelligence Linked Open Data for Website Design Reuse"
  35. Sebastian Heil, Stefan Wild, Michael Krug, Martin Gaedke (2016): Conference Paper "Towards Reputation-Aware Expert Finding with Linked Open Data"
  36. Sebastian Heil, Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke (2016): Conference Paper "Measuring and Ensuring Similarity of User Interfaces: the Impact of Web Layout"
  37. Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke, Sebastian Heil (2016): Electronic Source "Kansei Engineering Experimental Research with University Websites"
  38. Maxim Bakaev, Martin Gaedke, Vladimir Khvorostov, Sebastian Heil (2016): Conference Paper "Extending Kansei Engineering for Requirements Consideration in Web Interaction Design"
  39. Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2016): Conference Paper "AWSM Agile Web Migration for SMEs"
  40. Sebastian Heil, Marco Drechsel, Martin Gaedke (2015): Conference Paper "Supporting the Developmentof Team-Climate-Aware Collaborative Web Applications"
  41. Stefan Wild, Fabian Wiedemann, Sebastian Heil, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Martin Gaedke (2015): Journal Article "ProProtect3: An Approach for Protecting User Profile Data from Disclosure, Tampering, and Improper Use in the Context of WebID"
  42. José Matías Rivero, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Esteban Robles Luna, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "An extensible, Model-Driven and end-user centric approach for API building"
  43. Sebastian Heil, Stefan Wild, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "CRAWL•E: Distributed Skill Endorsements in Expert Finding"
  44. Sebastian Heil, Stefan Wild, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "Collaborative Adaptive Case Management with Linked Data"
  45. José Matías Rivero, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Martin Gaedke, Gustavo Rossi (2013): Conference Paper "MockAPI: An Agile Approach Supporting API-first Web Application Development"
  46. Stefan Wild, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2013): Conference Paper "Protecting User Profile Data in WebID-based Social Networks Through Fine-grained Filtering"
  47. Stefan Wild, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2013): Conference Paper "Customized Views on Profiles in WebID-based Distributed Social Networks"
  48. Sebastian Heil, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Martin Gaedke (2012): Conference Paper "Supporting Semantic Interoperability in Inter-Widget-Communication-enabled User Interface Mashups"


  1. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
  2. Fakultätsrat der Fakultät für Informatik (Faculty Council of the Faculty of Computer Science), Technische Universität Chemnitz
  3. Ethikkommission (Institutional Review Board/Independent Ethics Committee), Technische Universität Chemnitz
  4. ISWE (International Society for Web Engineering)
  5. INSTICC Institute of Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication

Conference Organizing Committees

  1. STRAI @ ARES 2025 International Workshop on Secure, Trustworthy, and Robust AI: Workshop Chair
  2. ICWE 2024 24th International Conference on Web Engineering: Program Chair
  3. ICWE 2023 23rd International Conference on Web Engineering: Posters and Demo Chair
  4. Informatik 2017 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik: Proceedings and Local Organizer

Reviewer for Conferences and Journals

  1. TWEB ACM Transactions on the Web
  2. TR IEEE Transactions on Reliability
  3. IJHCI International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
  4. JWE Journal of Web Engineering
  5. MONE Mobile Networks and Applications: The Journal of Special Issues on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing
  6. CHI 2021 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
  7. ICWE 2025 The 25th International Symposium on Web Engineering (Program Committee)
  8. IS-EUD 2025 The 10th International Symposium on End-User Development (Program Committee)
  9. WEBIST 2023 The 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (Program Committee)
  10. KKIO 2023 The 24th Conference on Practical Aspects of and Solutions for Software Engineering (Program Committee)
  11. FedCSIS S3E 2023 The 18th Conference on Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence: Systems, Software, System and Service Engineering Track (Program Committee)
  12. ISMAR 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Program Committee)
  13. WEB 2020 The 8th International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments (Program Committee)
  14. ASSE 2020 Advances in Software and Systems Engineering. (Program Committee)
  15. LASD'19 The 3rd International Conference on Lean and Agile Software Development. (Program Committee)
  16. EICS 2013 Engineering Interactive Computing Systems. (Demos Program Committee)

Co-Reviewer for Conferences

  1. ICWI 2023: The 22nd International Conference on WWW/Internet
  2. ICWE 2016: The 16th International Conference on Web Engineering
  3. SAC 2015: The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
  4. WWW 2013: The 22nd International World Wide Web Conference
  5. ICWE 2013: The 13th International Conference on Web Engineering
  6. ECIS 2013: The 21st European Conference on Information Systems
  7. ECOOP 2013: The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming

Current Projects

Type of project: EU Horizon Europe Network of Excellence (NoE)
Type of project: EU European University Initiative Alliance (EUI)

Past Projects

Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: EU H2020 Research Project, Cascading Grant
Maxim Bakaev, et al.
Type of project: Research Collaboration Project
Mahda Noura, et al.
Type of project: Research Project
Sebastian Heil, et al.
Type of project: PhD Research Project
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: Industrial Research Cooperation
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: DAAD PROALAR Research Exchange
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: Development Project for Department of Computer Science
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: European Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Project

Current Students

Advised Projects

  1. Calvin Liusnando: Masterarbeit (2024) "Developing a Web-based System for Automated Web User Interfaces Evaluation"
  2. Ekaterina Pavlova: Masterarbeit (2024) "Measuring UI complexity through analysis of UI Tests"
  3. Taymoor Ahmad: Masterarbeit (2024) "Empirical Analysis of Research Data Search Interfaces and Interaction"
  4. Pratik Poudel: Masterarbeit (2024) "Dynamic client-server code migration at runtime"
  5. Julia Getselev: Masterarbeit (2023) "Automatic conversion of explorative algorithms into edge-apps for machine tools"
  6. Shruti Nupur: Masterarbeit (2023) "Architecting a scalable notification system for mobile devices"
  7. Nils Trampel: Bachelorarbeit (2023) "Evaluation von Zwei-Faktor-Authentisierungsverfahren für Webanwendungen an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz"
  8. Salman Alam Siddiqi: Masterarbeit (2023) "Barrier-free Video Player with Sign Language Interpretation"
  9. Soukaina Hendy: Masterarbeit (2023) "Alternative Frontend Languages"
  10. Lucas Schmutzler: Masterarbeit (2023) "Leveraging Large Language Models for Automated Web Scraping: A Focus on Academic Career Planning"
  11. Maik Schoesau: Masterarbeit (2023) "Evaluation der Leistungsfähigkeit von gRPC und REST/JSON für Webschnittstellen"
  12. Muhammad Sadiq Odho: Masterarbeit (2023) "Microservice Demonstrator for Education"
  13. Chi Nam Du: Masterarbeit (2023) "Blockchain-based Reward Networks for Citizen Science"
  14. Eni Voci: Masterarbeit (2022) "A Data Science Approach to Academic Career Planning"
  15. Alexander Senger: Masterarbeit (2022) "Dynamische Code-Migration zwischen Client und Server zur Laufzeit"
  16. Waldemar Firrus: Masterarbeit (2022) "Computer-Aided Support for Cost-Efficient Operation of Traditional On-Premise Systems on Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds"
  17. Zhi-Hong Zhou: Masterarbeit (2022) "Reproducibility and Replicability in Web Engineering"
  18. Shruti Chauhan: Masterarbeit (2022) "Visual Assessment of Web User Interfaces for Interactive Machine Learning Tools"
  19. Sebastian Stauß: Bachelorarbeit (2022) "Blockchain-based Reward Networks for Citizen Science"
  20. Conrad Großer: Bachelorarbeit (2022) "Sozio-technische Assistenz beim Inbetriebnahme Prozess mittels adaptiv, ontologiebasierten Bayes’schen Netzen"
  21. Yamini Gupta: Masterarbeit (2022) "Evaluation of Feasibility of Web Application Development with Alternative Frontend Languages"
  22. Max Werler: Bachelorarbeit (2022) "Automatisierte Quelltextanalyse zur Evaluierung von Lösungen für Programmieraufgaben"
  23. Lucas Schmutzler: Bachelorarbeit (2021) "UI Object Detection"
  24. Richa Thukral: Masterarbeit (2021) "Automating the Detection and Analyzing the Manipulative Effects of Dark Patterns"
  25. Markus Nestmann: Praktikum (2021) "Visual Analysis Infrastructure"
  26. Juan Sebastian Quintero, Victor Flamenco: Masterarbeit (2019) "Visual Analysis of User Interfaces: Integrating Analyzers for Improved UI Object Detection"
  27. Hao Li: Masterarbeit (2019) "Improving Visual DNN-based Page Segmentation"
  28. Justin Förster: Praktikum (2018) "Wissensontologie für Quelltext"
  29. Hao Li: Praktikum (2018) "Visual Page Segmentation"
  30. René Groh: Praktikum (2018) "Erstellung von automatisierten Tests für die HL7-Import-Schnittstelle des M-PDMS"
  31. Valentin Siegert: Masterarbeit (2018) "Rapid web migration prototyping using WebAssembly"
  32. Thomas Weber: Bachelorarbeit (2018) "Vergleich von Algorithmen für die Transformation von Nutzeroberflächen ins Grid-Layout"
  33. Robin Buse: Praktikum (2017) "Simulation of Air Traffic Management Communication"
  34. Frank Siegel: Masterarbeit (2017) "Semantische Analyse von Quelltexten"
  35. Felix Grohmann: Bachelorarbeit (2017) "Optimierung der medizinischen Terminplanung durch Vorhersagenmodelle"
  36. Willy Schacht: Bachelorarbeit (2017) "Hybrid SaaS/Distributed Desktop Applications"
  37. Markus Keller: Praktikum (2017) "Visual Page Segmentation"
  38. Karsten Reichel: Masterarbeit (2017) "Korrelation von Annotationen in sich ändernden Quelltexten"
  39. Felix Förster: Masterarbeit (2017) "Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering"
  40. Fariba Qarib: Praktikum (2017) "Wissensontologie für Quelltext"
  41. Neha Wane: Masterarbeit (2017) "Web UI(X) Migration"
  42. Stefan Staude: Praktikum (2016) "Entwicklungsumgebungsintegration von Annotationen"
  43. Bernd Scheffler: Praktikum (2016) "Konzipierung von patientenorientierten Erinnerungslösungen"
  44. Haiping Chen: Masterarbeit (2016) "Hybrid SaaS/Distributed Desktop Applications"
  45. Felix Förster: Praktikum (2016) "Crowdsourced Reverse Engineering"
  46. Robin Buse, Michael Krasselt, Quyet Thang Nguyen: Praktikum (2016) "Konzipierung von zielgruppenorientierten Erinnerungslösungen"
  47. Sebastian Kaden: Bachelorarbeit (2016) "Integration mobiler Terminverwaltung für Patienten"
  48. Thomas Blasek: Masterarbeit (2016) "Web Migration Springboards"
  49. Felix Heft, Tommy Schimann: Teamorientierte Projektarbeit (2016) "Experiment Softwaremigration"
  50. Peter Thiel: Oberseminar (2016) "Current Research Trends in Crowdsourcing"
  51. Tobias Lang: Praktikum (2016) "Web Migration Springboards"
  52. Sven Maak, Annika Krebs: Masterarbeit (2016) "Entscheidungshilfesystem Softwaremigration"
  53. Tommy Schimann: Bachelorarbeit (2016) "Zielgruppenorientierte Terminverwaltung"
  54. Ken Schmidt: Masterarbeit (2016) "Gamified Reminder Systems"
  55. Markus Ast: Masterarbeit (2015) "Supporting Teams with Collaborative Goal Management"
  56. Markus Ast: Praktikum (2015) "Collaborative Goal Management - a comparison between LFA and OKR"
  57. Marco Drechsel: Masterarbeit (2015) "Supervising Team Affect in Adaptive Case Management Systems"
  58. Stefan Meier: Masterarbeit (2015) "Indikatorenbasiertes Case Management"
  59. Peter Thiel: Masterarbeit (2015) "Unterstützung von Knowledge Work durch Crowdsourcing"
  60. Nico Enderlein: Bachelorarbeit (2014) "Ortsabhängiges Aufgabenmanagement für mobile Endgeräte"
  61. Tilo Zemke: Diplomarbeit (2014) "Adaptive Vergleichsmetriken für Adaptive Case Management"
  62. Marco Drechsel: Masterarbeit (2013) "Steuerung und Automatisierung in Adaptive Case Management"
  63. Heiner Reinhardt: Diplomarbeit (2013) "Integration von numerischen Berechnungen in RDF-Datenbanken"

Teaching Activities

  1. Lecture "Design of Distributed Systems"
  2. Lecture "Current Trends in Web Engineering"
  3. Lecture "Advanced Software Engineering" (Lehrauftrag)
  4. Lecture "Cloud & Web Applications"
  5. Lecture "Computer Networks"
  6. Business Game "Web Engineering"
  7. Tutorial "Advanced Software Engineering" (Lehrauftrag)
  8. Tutorial "Cloud & Web Applications"
  9. Tutorial "Current Trends in Web Engineering"
  10. Tutorial "Software Service Engineering"
  11. Tutorial "Computer Networks"
  12. Tutorial "XML"
  13. Seminar "Web Engineering"
  14. Practical Course "Web Engineering"
  15. Practical Course "Software Engineering"
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