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Distributed and Self-organizing Systems
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems

Personal Information

Name: Mahda Noura M.Sc.
Room: 1/B203
Phone: +49 371 531 30389
Fax: +49 371 531 8 30389


  1. Valentin Siegert, Clemens Albrecht, Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "WS3H: Webified Self-Sovereign Smart Home"
  2. Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "VOISMA: Indoor Location Identification for Voice-based Smart Home"
  3. Mahda Noura, Valentin Siegert, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "WAT: Autonomous Hypermedia-driven Web Agents for Web of Things Devices"
  4. Vamsee Muppavarapu, Gowtham Ramesh, Amelie Gyrard, Mahda Noura (2021): Journal Article "Knowledge extraction using semantic similarity of concepts from Web of Things knowledge bases"
  5. Mahda Noura (2021): Journal Article "WoTDL2API: Webifying Heterogenous IoT Devices"
  6. Mahda Noura, Yichen Wang, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "OntoSpect: IoT Ontology Inspection by Concept Extraction and Natural Language Generation"
  7. Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Benjamin Klotz, Raphael Troncy, Soumya Datta, Martin Gaedke (2021): Book Section "How to understand better "smart vehicle"? Knowledge Extraction for the Automotive Sector Using Web of Things"
  8. Valentin Siegert, Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "aTLAS: a Testbed to Examine Trust for a Redecentralized Web"
  9. Bahareh Zarei, Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "A Bot-Enabled Approach for Web Service Discovery"
  10. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "Natural Language Goal Understanding for Smart Home Environments"
  11. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "VISH: Does Your Smart Home Dialogue System Also Need Training Data?"
  12. Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "WoTDL: Web of Things Description Language for Automatic Composition"
  13. Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Journal Article "Automatic Knowledge Extraction to build Semantic Web of Things Applications"
  14. Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "An Automated Cyclic Planning Framework Based on Plan-Do-Check-Act for Web of Things Composition"
  15. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Webifying Heterogenous Internet of Things Devices"
  16. Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Concept Extraction from Web of Things Knowledge Bases"
  17. Mahda Noura, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Martin Gaedke (2018): Journal Article "Interoperability in Internet of Things: Taxonomies and Open Challenges"
  18. Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "GrOWTH: Goal-Oriented End User Development for Web of Things Devices"
  19. Mahda Noura, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Interoperability in Internet of Things Infrastructure: Classification, Challenges, and Future Work"
  20. Mahda Noura, Iftekhar Ahmad, Amin Noura, Rosdiadee Nordin (2017): Journal Article "A Discrete Event Simulation for Hierarchical Mobile IPv6"
  21. Nurfadhlina Mohd Sharef, Mahda Noura (2016): Journal Article "Linguistic Rule-Based Methods for the Extraction of Medical Summaries to Benefit Patients Progression Tracking"
  22. Mahda Noura, Rosdiadee Nordin (2016): Journal Article "A Survey on Interference Management for Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication and its Challenges in 5G Networks"
  23. Mostafa Behzadi, Ramlan Mahmod, Mehdi Barati, Azizol Bin Hj Abdullah, Mahda Noura (2014): Journal Article "A New Framework for Classification of Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack in Cloud Computing by Machine Learning Techniques"
  24. Mahda Noura, Sadra Mohammadalian, Leila Fathi (2013): Journal Article "Secure Virtualization for Cloud Environment Using Guest OS and VMM-based Technology"
  25. Mahda Noura (2013): Conference Paper "On Power Consumption in IPv6 Over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LOWPAN)"

Reviewer for Journals and Conferences

  1. JNCA Journal of Network and Computer Applications
  2. TWEB ACM Transaction on the Web
  3. Internet of Things IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  4. IEEE Access IEEE Access
  5. WI'19 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (Program Committee Member)
  6. WEB 2020 The 8th International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments (Program Committee Member)
  7. WOT4H'20 1st International Workshop on Web of Things for Humans (Co-organizer)
  8. WOT4H'20 Special Issue "Web of Things for Humans (WoT4H)" published by the Journal Computer (Guest Editor)
  9. WI-IAT'20 The 2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology(Program Committee Member)
  10. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Special Issue on Semantic Modeling and Design Patterns for Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystems(Program Committee Member)


  1. Outstanding Paper Award at: 17th International Conference WWW/Internet 2018
  2. Travel Award Supported by TU-Chmenitz For ICWE 2019
  3. Candidate for Best Paper Award at the: 10th International Conference on the Internet of Things: IoT 2020
  4. Best Challenge Paper Award at the All The Agents Challenge 2021 in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2021: ATAC2021


  • 2021 Invited Member @ Dagstuhl Seminar on Autonomous Agents on the Web

Research Interests

  • Internet of Things
  • Web of Things
  • Web Technologies
  • Cellular Networks

Current Projects

Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: EU H2020 Research Project, Cascading Grant
Mahda Noura, et al.
Type of project: PhD Project

Past Projects

FOODPIN: Mobile Application http://foodpinapp.com/

Dr Marzanah A.Jabar, Niloofar Yousefi, Mahda Noura
Duration: 01/2015 - 01/2016

Multi-Granular Temporal Abstraction Representation Framework for Clinical Data Analaysis

Dr Nurfadhlina Mohd Sharef, Mahda Noura
Duration: 01/2014 - 03/2015

Copyright: A Web-based Decision Support System for Strategic Dairy Farm Management

Dr Marzanah A.Jabar, Niloofar Yousefi, Mahda Noura
Duration: 2013-2014

Current Students

Advised Projects

  1. Meshu Deb Nath: Masterarbeit (2023) "User Preference Customization for the Smart Home"
  2. Sopuluchukwu Divine Obi: Praktikum (2022) "IoT Device RDF Instance Generator"
  3. Jetendar: Masterarbeit (2022) "Natural Language Goal Understanding in Smart Home"
  4. Tsung-Jen Pu: Masterarbeit (2021) "Evaluation of Research Data Quality in the Human-Computer-Interaction Field by Applying FAIR principles"
  5. Mohammad Hadi Mobasseri: Masterarbeit (2021) "Extraction of IoT Interaction Affordance from Device Manuals"
  6. Hongru Ren: Masterarbeit (2021) "Automated Generation of Web of Things Device Capabilities from Device Manuals"
  7. Clemens Albrecht, Simon Schwitzky, Hendrik Stepina, Martin Jobke: Teamorientierte Projektarbeit (2021) "Automating the Distribution of research paper meta information to different platform providers"
  8. Alireza Sepehri: Masterarbeit (2021) "Creating Vector Space Representation for Ontology Clustering Skip to end of metadata"
  9. Athar Islam: Masterarbeit (2021) "Automated Testing of Services in the Internet of Things"
  10. Pham Tuan Khanh Nguyen: Masterarbeit (2021) "Decentralized Smart Home Data Management: Keeping End-Users in Control of their Smart Device’s Data"
  11. Lukas Wegent, Conrad Großer, Sebastian Künzl, Florian Werner: Teamorientierte Projektarbeit (2021) "Konzeption und Umsetzung eines disziplinübergreifenden Forschungsdaten-Repositoriums an der TU Chemnitz"
  12. Dattatrya Raghunath Bhosle: Masterarbeit (2021) "Software Architecture for a Multi-Disciplinary Aircraft Design Environment"
  13. Yichen Wang: Masterarbeit (2020) "Information Extraction from IoT Ontologies"
  14. Thomas Weber: Masterarbeit (2020) "Planung und Ausführung von Lösungen für zielorientierte Aufgaben im vernetzten Zuhause (Smart Home)"
  15. Jose Maza: Masterarbeit (2020) "Dynamic Web of Things Device Interface Generation using Components"
  16. Muhammad Rameel Qureshi Hashmi: Masterarbeit (2020) "Voice-Based Indoor Location Identification in a Smart Home"
  17. Nnaemeka Christopher Edeh: Praktikum (2020) "Evaluation of Webifying Heterogenous Internet of Things Devices"
  18. Robert Heinemann: Bachelorarbeit (2019) "Automatic Generation of MQTT interfaces for WoT devices"
  19. Jana Kaszyda: Bachelorarbeit (2019) "Natural Language Goal Understanding for Smart Home Environments"
  20. Xiaxoin Liu: Masterarbeit (2019) "Goal Recognition and Learning using Natural Language Processing within Smart Homes"
  21. Sebastian Kaden: Masterarbeit (2019) "Device-dependent Migration of Web Components"
  22. Phil Dietrich: Bachelorarbeit (2019) "Using AI Planning for Web of Things Devices Based on Plan-Do-Control-Action (PDCA)"
  23. Xioaxin Liu: Praktikum (2018) "Survey on End User Development in IoT"
  24. Majid Babaei: Masterarbeit (2017) "Conception and Implementation of a Pattern Recognition System for Analysing Big Data from Distributed Embedded AMRA Boxes in Europe "

Advised Courses

  1. Tutorial "Design of Distributed Systems"
  2. Tutorial "Cloud and Web Application"
  3. Tutorial "Software Service Engineering"
  4. Seminar "Web Engineering"
  5. Seminar "Planspiel"


CCNA Routing and Switching, 2015

Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH), 2013

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