Personal Information
- Valentin Siegert, Clemens Albrecht, Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "WS3H: Webified Self-Sovereign Smart Home"
- Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "VOISMA: Indoor Location Identification for Voice-based Smart Home"
- Mahda Noura, Valentin Siegert, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "WAT: Autonomous Hypermedia-driven Web Agents for Web of Things Devices"
- Vamsee Muppavarapu, Gowtham Ramesh, Amelie Gyrard, Mahda Noura (2021): Journal Article "Knowledge extraction using semantic similarity of concepts from Web of Things knowledge bases"
- Mahda Noura (2021): Journal Article "WoTDL2API: Webifying Heterogenous IoT Devices"
- Mahda Noura, Yichen Wang, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2021): Conference Paper "OntoSpect: IoT Ontology Inspection by Concept Extraction and Natural Language Generation"
- Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Benjamin Klotz, Raphael Troncy, Soumya Datta, Martin Gaedke (2021): Book Section "How to understand better "smart vehicle"? Knowledge Extraction for the Automotive Sector Using Web of Things"
- Valentin Siegert, Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "aTLAS: a Testbed to Examine Trust for a Redecentralized Web"
- Bahareh Zarei, Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "A Bot-Enabled Approach for Web Service Discovery"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "Natural Language Goal Understanding for Smart Home Environments"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "VISH: Does Your Smart Home Dialogue System Also Need Training Data?"
- Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "WoTDL: Web of Things Description Language for Automatic Composition"
- Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Journal Article "Automatic Knowledge Extraction to build Semantic Web of Things Applications"
- Mahda Noura, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "An Automated Cyclic Planning Framework Based on Plan-Do-Check-Act for Web of Things Composition"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2019): Conference Paper "Webifying Heterogenous Internet of Things Devices"
- Mahda Noura, Amelie Gyrard, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "Concept Extraction from Web of Things Knowledge Bases"
- Mahda Noura, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Martin Gaedke (2018): Journal Article "Interoperability in Internet of Things: Taxonomies and Open Challenges"
- Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2018): Conference Paper "GrOWTH: Goal-Oriented End User Development for Web of Things Devices"
- Mahda Noura, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Martin Gaedke (2017): Conference Paper "Interoperability in Internet of Things Infrastructure: Classification, Challenges, and Future Work"
- Mahda Noura, Iftekhar Ahmad, Amin Noura, Rosdiadee Nordin (2017): Journal Article "A Discrete Event Simulation for Hierarchical Mobile IPv6"
- Nurfadhlina Mohd Sharef, Mahda Noura (2016): Journal Article "Linguistic Rule-Based Methods for the Extraction of Medical Summaries to Benefit Patients Progression Tracking"
- Mahda Noura, Rosdiadee Nordin (2016): Journal Article "A Survey on Interference Management for Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication and its Challenges in 5G Networks"
- Mostafa Behzadi, Ramlan Mahmod, Mehdi Barati, Azizol Bin Hj Abdullah, Mahda Noura (2014): Journal Article "A New Framework for Classification of Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack in Cloud Computing by Machine Learning Techniques"
- Mahda Noura, Sadra Mohammadalian, Leila Fathi (2013): Journal Article "Secure Virtualization for Cloud Environment Using Guest OS and VMM-based Technology"
- Mahda Noura (2013): Conference Paper "On Power Consumption in IPv6 Over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LOWPAN)"
Reviewer for Journals and Conferences
- JNCA Journal of Network and Computer Applications
- TWEB ACM Transaction on the Web
- Internet of Things IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- IEEE Access IEEE Access
- WI'19 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (Program Committee Member)
- WEB 2020 The 8th International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments (Program Committee Member)
- WOT4H'20 1st International Workshop on Web of Things for Humans (Co-organizer)
- WOT4H'20 Special Issue "Web of Things for Humans (WoT4H)" published by the Journal Computer (Guest Editor)
- WI-IAT'20 The 2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology(Program Committee Member)
- Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Special Issue on Semantic Modeling and Design Patterns for Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystems(Program Committee Member)
- Outstanding Paper Award at: 17th International Conference WWW/Internet 2018
- Travel Award Supported by TU-Chmenitz For ICWE 2019
- Candidate for Best Paper Award at the: 10th International Conference on the Internet of Things: IoT 2020
- Best Challenge Paper Award at the All The Agents Challenge 2021 in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2021: ATAC2021
- 2021 Invited Member @ Dagstuhl Seminar on Autonomous Agents on the Web
Research Interests
- Internet of Things
- Web of Things
- Web Technologies
- Cellular Networks
Current Projects
Martin Gaedke, et al.
Type of project: EU H2020 Research Project, Cascading Grant
Mahda Noura, et al.
Type of project: PhD Project
Past Projects
FOODPIN: Mobile Application
Dr Marzanah A.Jabar, Niloofar Yousefi, Mahda Noura
Duration: 01/2015 - 01/2016
Multi-Granular Temporal Abstraction Representation Framework for Clinical Data Analaysis
Dr Nurfadhlina Mohd Sharef, Mahda Noura
Duration: 01/2014 - 03/2015
Copyright: A Web-based Decision Support System for Strategic Dairy Farm Management
Dr Marzanah A.Jabar, Niloofar Yousefi, Mahda Noura
Duration: 2013-2014
Current Students
Advised Projects
- Meshu Deb Nath: Masterarbeit (2023) "User Preference Customization for the Smart Home"
- Sopuluchukwu Divine Obi: Praktikum (2022) "IoT Device RDF Instance Generator"
- Jetendar: Masterarbeit (2022) "Natural Language Goal Understanding in Smart Home"
- Tsung-Jen Pu: Masterarbeit (2021) "Evaluation of Research Data Quality in the Human-Computer-Interaction Field by Applying FAIR principles"
- Mohammad Hadi Mobasseri: Masterarbeit (2021) "Extraction of IoT Interaction Affordance from Device Manuals"
- Hongru Ren: Masterarbeit (2021) "Automated Generation of Web of Things Device Capabilities from Device Manuals"
- Clemens Albrecht, Simon Schwitzky, Hendrik Stepina, Martin Jobke: Teamorientierte Projektarbeit (2021) "Automating the Distribution of research paper meta information to different platform providers"
- Alireza Sepehri: Masterarbeit (2021) "Creating Vector Space Representation for Ontology Clustering Skip to end of metadata"
- Athar Islam: Masterarbeit (2021) "Automated Testing of Services in the Internet of Things"
- Pham Tuan Khanh Nguyen: Masterarbeit (2021) "Decentralized Smart Home Data Management: Keeping End-Users in Control of their Smart Device’s Data"
- Lukas Wegent, Conrad Großer, Sebastian Künzl, Florian Werner: Teamorientierte Projektarbeit (2021) "Konzeption und Umsetzung eines disziplinübergreifenden Forschungsdaten-Repositoriums an der TU Chemnitz"
- Dattatrya Raghunath Bhosle: Masterarbeit (2021) "Software Architecture for a Multi-Disciplinary Aircraft Design Environment"
- Yichen Wang: Masterarbeit (2020) "Information Extraction from IoT Ontologies"
- Thomas Weber: Masterarbeit (2020) "Planung und Ausführung von Lösungen für zielorientierte Aufgaben im vernetzten Zuhause (Smart Home)"
- Jose Maza: Masterarbeit (2020) "Dynamic Web of Things Device Interface Generation using Components"
- Muhammad Rameel Qureshi Hashmi: Masterarbeit (2020) "Voice-Based Indoor Location Identification in a Smart Home"
- Nnaemeka Christopher Edeh: Praktikum (2020) "Evaluation of Webifying Heterogenous Internet of Things Devices"
- Robert Heinemann: Bachelorarbeit (2019) "Automatic Generation of MQTT interfaces for WoT devices"
- Jana Kaszyda: Bachelorarbeit (2019) "Natural Language Goal Understanding for Smart Home Environments"
- Xiaxoin Liu: Masterarbeit (2019) "Goal Recognition and Learning using Natural Language Processing within Smart Homes"
- Sebastian Kaden: Masterarbeit (2019) "Device-dependent Migration of Web Components"
- Phil Dietrich: Bachelorarbeit (2019) "Using AI Planning for Web of Things Devices Based on Plan-Do-Control-Action (PDCA)"
- Xioaxin Liu: Praktikum (2018) "Survey on End User Development in IoT"
- Majid Babaei: Masterarbeit (2017) "Conception and Implementation of a Pattern Recognition System for Analysing Big Data from Distributed Embedded AMRA Boxes in Europe "
Advised Courses
- Tutorial "Design of Distributed Systems"
- Tutorial "Cloud and Web Application"
- Tutorial "Software Service Engineering"
- Seminar "Web Engineering"
- Seminar "Planspiel"