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Distributed and Self-organizing Systems
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems

VSR News - feature

Collaborative Research Center Hybrid Societies established

Collaborative Research Center Hybrid Societies established

In January 2020, the CRC 1410 Hybrid Societies started its activities at Chemnitz University of Technology.

Within this Collaborative Research Center, our VSR professorship leads the activities on a sustainable, cross-domamin information infrastructure together with the professorship for private law and intellectual property of Prof. Dr. Gesmann-Nuissl.

VSR at ICBDR 2019 in Paris

VSR at ICBDR 2019 in Paris

Our vsr staff member André Langer participated for our VSR professorship in the ACM 3rd International Conference on BigData Research (ICBDR 2019) at the École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information (EISTI) in November 2019 in Cergy, France. 

We presented our latest research results on Multi-party computation in Cloud-based environments as a joint venture project with the SAP SE Innovation Center Network in Dresden.

OpenAccessDay 2019 at TU Chemnitz

OpenAccessDay 2019 at TU Chemnitz

On the occasion of the Internal OpenAccessWeek 2019, the university library and our VSR professorship organized the event "Connected research in a hyper-connected world" on 28 October 2019.

The session was opened by the lead of the university library Ms. Angela Malz and the prorector Prof. Ihleman. Then, we had the pleasure that Prof. Auer from TIB Hannover presented current research on the Open Research Knowledge Graph and Ms. Britta Dreyer gave a presentation on ORCID. Finally, Mr. André Langer from our VSR professorshp gave insights in current activities on TUCbib towards a holistic research information management at Chemnitz University of Technology. 

VSR at EU-Forschungs-Tag

VSR at EU-Forschungs-Tag

On 6 November 2019, our VSR research group participated at the EU Research Day at Chemnitz University of Technology. 

It is an information event on European research funding opportunities and supported by the Saxony Liaison Office Brussels, the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts (SMWK), the Central EU Service Facility Saxony (ZEUSS) and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

Our VSR professorship is experienced in European projects such as FP7-ICT OMELETTE and constantly interested in new collaborative research partnerships for current H2020 and upcoming Horizon Europe activities.

VSR at semantics 2019 in Karlsruhe

VSR at semantics 2019 in Karlsruhe

André Langer participated for our VSR professorship in the 15th semantics Conference in September 2019 in Karlsruhe.

We presented an analysis of current RDM applications for the interdisciplinary publication of research data and chaired two sessions on Semantic Information Management.

VSR at ICWE2019 in Daejeon

VSR at ICWE2019 in Daejeon

This year, Mahda Noura and Valentin Siegert visited the 19th International Conference on Web Engineering in Daejeon, South Korea.

We presented our contributions about our latest findings and research results on Web of Things, Content Trust, and received positive and valuable feedback on our work.

VSR at LSWT2019 in Leipzig

VSR at LSWT2019 in Leipzig

In May 2019, our VSR staff members participated in the 7. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag organized by AKSW/InfAI and sponsored by eccenca GmbH and Datev eG.

The event provided valuable information on current trends in data management based on Linked Data for research as well as smart city and business activities. Additionally, our Webind student team led a tutorial on SoLiD.

VSR at ICT2018 in Vienna

VSR at ICT2018 in Vienna

In December 2018, our VSR research group participated in the ICT 2018: Imagine Digital - Connect Europe event of the European Commission, taking place in the Vienna International Center in Austria.

Regarding our H2020 activities, we had valuable sessions to exchange ideas and make new contacts.

If you are also involved in one of the current calls, feel free to contact us via email.

VSR engaging in Open Research Knowledge Graph

VSR engaging in Open Research Knowledge Graph

Our team member André Langer visited the DILS post-conference "Open Research Knowledge Graph", hosted at the TIB Hannover at the end of November 2018.

In this workshop, we worked together with the group of Prof. Dr. Sören Auer and other researchers on new visionary ways for structured scientific publishing by using Linked Data.

Our VSR research team was able to support this project with our expertise in human-centered approaches to frontend input interfaces for the collection of Linked Data and the encouragement of users to provide qualitative meta data for scholarly artefacts.

VSR members visited WWW/Internet Conf 2018 in Budapest

VSR members visited WWW/Internet Conf 2018 in Budapest

Our VSR team members André Langer, Mahda Noura and Eduard Daoud attended in October the ICWI 2018, the 17th International Conference on new WWW/Internet trends.

We presented recent research findings regarding Frontend User Interfaces for Linked Data, Popular IoT ontology concepts and Search-based dashboards.

Thanks to all VSR members for their valuable contribution.

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