Personal Information
- Verena Traubinger, Martin Gaedke (2024): Conference Paper "Interaction Design Patterns of Web Chatbots"
- Verena Traubinger, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, Sonia Abhyankar, Martin Gaedke (2024): Dataset "Dataset to the Paper: An Analysis of Federal and Municipal Chatbots in Germany"
- Verena Traubinger, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "Inclusive Indoor-Navigation Systems With Conversational User Interfaces"
- Verena Traubinger, Sebastian Heil, Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "In Search of Dark Patterns in Chatbots"
- Andy Börner, Verena Traubinger, Philipp Stiens, Maximilian Eibl (2022): Conference Paper "Das Universal Paradox: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Universal Design und User Experience in einer Indoor-Navigations App für Menschen mit Einschränkungen"
- Verena Traubinger, Lena Franzkowiak, Nico Tauchmann, Maria Costantino, Julia Richter, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "The Right Data at the Right Moment for the Right Person — User Requirements and Their Implications for the Design of Indoor Navigation Systems"
- Lena Franzkowiak, Nico Tauchmann, Maria Costantino, Verena Traubinger, Peter Ohler (2021): Electronic Source "A blind spot in indoor navigation - needs and requirements of visually impaired people"
- Julia Richter, Jeanine Lorenz, Maria Costantino, Verena Traubinger, Nico Tauchmann, Thomas Graichen, Ulrich Heinkel (2020): Conference Paper "Dynamic indoor navigation and orientation system for people with impairments"
Current Students
- Sonia Abhyankar: Masterarbeit (2024) "Categorization of Chatbot Interaction Patterns based on an Analysis of German Municipal Chatbots"
- : Masterarbeit (2024) "Building a Web Crawler to collect a dataset of websites with chatbots"
- : Masterarbeit (2024) "Designing a chatbot to fill out forms in the web"
- Krishnabahen Patel: Masterarbeit (2024) "Designing a chatbot for Filling out Forms in the Web"
- Shahayar Saleem: Masterarbeit (2024) "Comparing Graphical and Chatbot User Interfaces of Patient Self-Management Apps in Healthcare"
- : Masterarbeit (2023) "Combining Graphical and Conversational User Interfaces"
- Anjali Gupta: Masterarbeit (2023) "Comparison of Chatbot Interfaces"
- Singla Lohitaksh: Masterarbeit (2023) "Implementation of an experiment infrastructure to recognize Dark Patterns in Chatbots"
- Aashar Azeem: Masterarbeit (2023) "Implementation of real-time collaboration features for the TUCcloud document editor"
Advised Projects
- Akshay Patil: Masterarbeit (2024) "Enhancing the TUCcloud with Collaborative Project Management Features"
- Firdos Katoon Khan: Masterarbeit (2024) "Conceptualization and Implementation of an Experiment Infrastructure to research on Dark Patterns in Chatbots"
- Nirav Mendapara: Masterarbeit (2024) "Conversion from Graphical User Interface to Conversational User Interface"
- Shivam Patel: Masterarbeit (2024) "Exploration of efficient storage mechanisms for industrial Linked Data architectures"
- Muhamed Skenderi: Masterarbeit (2024) "Enhancing User Experience and Workflow Efficiency in Navigation for Healthcare Facilities through a Web-Based Mobile Robot Management System"
- Sandra Schaftner: Praktikum (2024) "Requirements engineering, decision making and evaluation of policy monitoring tools"
- Rao Faraz Shakeel: Masterarbeit (2023) "Development and Evaluation of a mobile indoor-mapping editor with speech recognition"
- Meshu Deb Nath: Masterarbeit (2023) "User Preference Customization for the Smart Home"
- Zahra Hassanjoulaee: Masterarbeit (2021) "Improving the user interface experience in providing concepts to describe a research dataset in a structured semantic way"