VSR News - feature
VSR visited ICWE'14 in Toulouse
Prof. Martin Gaedke, Sebastian Heil, Michael Krug, Maximilian Speicher, Alexey Tschudnowsky, Fabian Wiedeman, and Stefan Wild visited the 14th International Conference on Web Engineering in Toulouse, France. We are happy to announce that we successfully presented eleven contributions about our latest findings and research results on End-User Development, Case Management, WebID, Usability Testing, and Media Enrichment. The conference was a nice event to honour our hard work and we are looking forward to further contributions.
New corporate design
Welcome to the new VSR website! We relaunched our website using the new corporate design of the Technische Universität Chemnitz. A lot of cool new features for improving communication and awareness with our customers, students and partners are on their way - so, stay tuned more content is on its way. Meanwhile have a look at our featured news informing you about recent results and outcomes from our research.
VSR at WWW14
This year Prof. Martin Gaedke, Alexey Tschudnowsky and Fabian Wiedemann presented three contributions at the World Wide Web Conference in Seoul, Korea. The contributions introduced latest findings and research results on Case Management for Social Business Computing, User Interface Mashups for the Internet of Services, and Media Enrichment using Web Science approaches.