VSR News

ENFIELD Hackathon 2024

VSR at World Developer Congress 2024

Tobias's talk focused on the transformative potential of voice user interfaces (VUIs) for people with disabilities, health issues, or working in jobs requiring hand-free interaction. He introduced the Web Speech API with a small 'voice assistant' demonstration, showcasing its practical applications and highlighted research projects like: the Conversational Web from Milano University, led by Maristella Matera's group, and the ReactGenie Project from Stanford University, spearheaded by Yang and his PhD project.
The audience's engagement was incredible, sparking many exciting questions and discussions. It's clear that VUIs are generating significant interest and enthusiasm, promising a more accessible and intuitive web experience for all.
VSR at Developer Week 2024

VSR at ICWE 2024 Conference

Guest lectures from Prof. Radka Nacheva

We are happy to have Professor Radka Nacheva with us this week on her Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility. In the context of our module Cloud and Web Applications she shared her insights on Emotions in Human-Computer-Interaction with the students. We thank her specifically for offering highly interactive, engaging and fun lessons.
Best Paper Award at the DBKDA 2024 conference
We are very happy and proud to announce, that our joint research on "Web Components for Database Developers" received special recognition through a Best Paper award at the Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications. Congratulations to Andreas Schmidt and Tobias Münch!
ENFIELD physical workshop
The VSR team participated in a collaborative workshop at institut Mines-Télécom IMT as part of the ENFIELD project, aiming to enhance cooperation across different areas and boost the project's results. The ENFIELD project includes four pillars: Green AI, Adaptive AI, Human-Centric AI, and Trustworthy AI. Additionally, it focuses on four key sectors: Energy, Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Space.
VSR at TUCtag 2024
The professorship presented its research to the public at the TUCtag in the Summer Semester 2024. We provided insights into our academic programs and featured various interactive demonstrations that attendees were encouraged to try out themselves.
Exam reviews for Winter Semester 2023/2024

The exam review for the exams written in the winter semester 2023/2024 will again be held in presence. Please note that we do not disclose sample solutions during the exam review.
The actual exam review will take place in presence on May 02 2024
at 09:00-12:00. You can freely choose, when you want to come in for the
review, although you can do so only once. Please consider that each review per exam takes
probably about 10 minutes. Thus, arriving later than 10 minutes to the end you might have
no chance to review anymore. This adds up accordingly if you want to review more than one
The exam review will take place in the FRIZ computer pool
(old: 1/B201). Please bring your student ID and wait at the door as you will be
let in one by one. More information on the process of the presence exam review can be
found in the edu
FAQ. If you have further questions after reading the FAQ, you can send your
question by mail to us via vsr-edu@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de.