VSR News
Important information for the lecture AVS on 2012-11-27
We have to announce that the next lecture on 2012-11-27 will be held in an interactive way in our office and there will be no regular lecture. This week we have devided all students in groups and scheduled fixed dates for the lecture next week. So unfortunately there is no way to join us spontaneously.
B.O. joined our team
VSR is happy to announce that one of our students has recently joined our group as a student assistant. He will work on the project CHROOMA+. We welcome this new team member and look forward to his contributions.
M.D. joined our team
VSR is happy to announce that one of our students has recently joined our group as a student assistant. He will work on the project OMELETTE. We welcome this new team member and look forward to his contributions.
M.H. joined our team
VSR is happy to announce that one of our students has recently joined our group as a student assistant. He will work on the project OMELETTE. We welcome this new team member and look forward to his contributions.
P.O. joined our team
VSR is happy to announce that one of our students has recently joined our group as a student assistant. He will work on the project CHROOMA+. We welcome this new team member and look forward to his contributions.
Defence of bachelor thesis
On Tuesday, December 11th, at 14:00, one of our students will defend his bachelor thesis 'An Approach to Efficiently Develop Dynamic Web Applications by Sharing Presentation and Business Logic Between Server and Client' in room 1/336.
Defence of master thesis
On Thursday, December 6th, at 13:00, one of our students will defend his master thesis 'Social Routing – Delegating Tasks in a Social Environment' in room 1/B203.
Lecture 'AVS' on Tuesday, November 6th, is cancelled
Defence of diplom thesis
On Tuesday, November 6th, at 12:30, one of our students will defend his diploma thesis 'Recherche und Konzeptstudie zu Überprüfungsmöglichkeiten der Vertrauenswürdigkeit von übermittelten Daten in Internet' in room 2/W472.