Successful Completion of AI4EU KE4WoT Challenge

We are very happy and proud to announce,
that VSR has successfully reached the final third milestone and completed the IoTxKG
project in the context of AI4EU. Within the last six months, our team was working as a
solution provider for the KE4WoT challenge, investigating novel AI-driven models for
knowledge extraction in the Web of Things domain. We designed a method to identify and
represent core concepts which we successfully applied to Ontologies from the Smart Home,
Smart Weather, Smart Transportation and Smart Energy domains and validated it with domain
experts. Our research has contributed to the advancement of the European AI on Demand
platform, AI4EU (, and our models are available via
the AI4EU Experiments marketplace ( Stay tuned for
further details about our NLP-based clustering models and interactive concept
visualizations to be published in 2022.
Congratulations to our IoTxKG team
Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil and Martin Gaedke!