VSR Exams in Summer Semester 2020

The written exams in Cloud&Web Applications, Rechnernetze and Security of Distributed Software in summer semester 2020 will be conducted in a virtual environment as an online exam based on the platform TUCexam and BigBlueButton.
The date and time of each VSR exam can be found in the Prüfungsplan.
You have to register for
the exam in advance via the examination office and need one webcam in order to
Each of these VSR exams is an Open Book exam and will be provided both in English and German.
All printed materials can be used, but no additional device or software apart from the mentioned two platforms are allowed.
You will receive particular information on how to participate in the online exam in advance via email. Make sure, that you are subscribed to our OPAL courses for that purpose, and check your emails regularly.
Frequently asked questions related to the conduction of an online exam together with a test exam are provided by our university on a separate page , supplemented by additional information provided by the StuRa.
We will offer an additional consultation session for the VSR modules Rechnernetze and Security of Distributed Software in the last week of July.