Combining Graphical and Conversational User Interfaces
Research Area

Chatbots are a technology that is more and more often used to
quickly and easily help customers by providing a low level interaction format for
frequently asked questions. Often, these chatbots are either put on a separate homepage or
can be accessed as a pop up in the bottom right corner, but it usually does not interact
with the graphical user interface.
This topic is researching the
potential of combining graphical (GUIs) and conversational user interfaces (CUIs) (in this
case specifically chatbots). This includes producing links to or even automatic navigation
of the graphical user interface, downloading documents or highlighting passages by
providing conversational queries. The thesis must include a state of the art on currently
available CUIs/chatbots and previous research or implementations of combined approaches. A
concept should be built that can combine both of these approaches in a prototypical
implementation. An evaluation of the feasibililty of the implementation has to be made in
accordance with requirements that are built in correspondence to the existing