VSR at ICWE 2024 Conference

Our Team presented multiple publications at the International Conference of Web Engineering 2024 (ICWE 2024) which took place in Finland from the 17th to the 20th of June. As a PC Co-Chair, our team member Dr. Sebastian Heil organized the scientific programme together with Prof. Maristella Matera. Additionally, Prof. Martin Gaedke held a coaching session for PhD Candidates and provided invaluable guidance on their journey to obtain a PhD.
The International Conference of Web Engineering is the most important conferences on Web Engineering where researchers and experts from industry alike come together and give essential insights into the design, implementation, application and maintenance of Web-based systems and services. This year's topic "Ethical and Human-Centric Web Engineering: Balancing Innovation and Responsibility" focused on Web Engineering in the age of rapidly and disruptively evolving human environments. In that context, participants from more than 30 countries presented their research results.