Interactive Web UI/UX for Trust Relationshop Visualization
Research Area

Bhumika Ganpatlal Brahmbhatt

Based around the advancement of privacy protection and helping individuals to regain control over their personal data, there have been efforts and initiatives towards the redecentralization of the web. To deal with the large amount of data providers in decentralized systems, it will be necessary to use web applications that automatically select a sufficiently trustworthy source of information. This requires those web applications to make trust-aware decisions, which, in turn, requires a framework to adequately evaluate and judge trust automatically. To enable web applications to make trust-aware decisions autonomously, a crucial step is to identify the most suitable trust models. Despite the various sophisticated trust mechanics, scales and models proposed in the literature for evaluating an application’s trust, the examination of them with different scenarios and configurations is not trivial. To remedy this issue, it is vital that researchers use a generic testing environment that is repeatable and supports the trust analysis of existing solutions. A testing environment provides insights to users and assists them to compare different models by experimenting with alternative trust dimensions and scenarios.
The objective of this thesis is to develop and implement a UI/UX framework for web-based testbeds, such as aTLAS, to improve researchers’ cognition of trust relationships. Therewith, a researcher gets enabled to have more insights on the defined or resulting trust relationships within a test scenario. The resulting framework should be both interactive and dynamically changeable to set on different points of view within the web applications given per test scenario. Existing testbeds on trust relationships for Multi-Agent Systems and web-based testbeds can be leveraged to create a framework joining both dimensions, visualizations on trust relationships in other testbeds and visualizations in web-based testbeds. Yet, is an open problem to address the scalability of visualizing many applications as well as their trust relations in a way to address the interactivity as well as the improvement of understandability for testbed users.
The objective of this thesis is to find an approach or combination of approaches for the previously mentioned problems and tasks in the context of interactive web UIs for trust relationship visualization. This particularly includes the state of the art regarding UI/UX for web-based testbeds and testbeds for trust relationships. The demonstration of feasibility with an implementation prototype of the concept is part of this thesis as well as a suitable evaluation with exemplary use cases.