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Distributed and Self-organizing Systems
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems


Hypermedia and HATEOAS for designing Web of Things environments
Hypermedia and HATEOAS for designing Web of Things environments



Research Area

Web Engineering





There has been alot of research on using the Web as an infrastructure for distributed Web of Things (WoT) environments. However, most of the existing approaches use the Web merely as a transport layer and are thus misaligned with the Web architecture. More recent approaches for Web-based WoT have turned to RESTful Web services, but they generally do not use hypermedia or HATEOAS. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the use of hypermedia and HATEOAS for designing smart environments consisting of WoT devices, making them first-class abstractions and promoting it as a conceptual bridge for deploying WoT devices on the Web.

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