Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Praktikum
Orchestrating Workflows in User Interface Mashups
Research Area

User interface (UI) mashup platforms enable development of composite applications out of autonomous building blocks, called widgets. Widgets (also called packaged web apps) are small autonomous web applications, which often implement a single specific function, e.g. displaying weather information or translating between two languages. By combining the right widgets, users with little programming skills should be empowered to build complex solutions meeting their IT needs on their own.
This project should analyze, how complex workflows can be realized using widgets and UI mashups. Possibilities of layout and content adaptation based on a pre-defined workflow should be explored. For example, a workflow may start with one single widget and add/remove other widgets depending on user actions. The project should develop / reuse appropriate workflow description languages and extend an existing mashup platform to behave accordingly.