Dipl.-Inf. Ralph Sommermeier
Personal Information

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You can schedule a Meeting with me via mail, phone, skype or icq. For contact details see above.
Research Interests
My research interests focus on Web engineering, software engineering, and systems engineering and are driven
by evolution, federation, and reuse as principles for building distributed systems, especially in the context of
Internet and Web Technologies.
Short CV
In November 2008, I finished my study of Computer Science at the Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC) in Germany and bear the academic
title Dipl.-Inf. of Computer Science.
Prior to that level of education, I passed a vocational training as technical assistent for Computer Science at the School of Industry
in Chemnitz (ISC).
Since December 2008 I am a PhD Student and scientific staff member in the Distributed and Self-organizing Systems Group (VSR) at
the TUC
My practical experience has started in 1999 as Software Engineer for the DELTA proveris AG (DEPAG) and attends my education background until now.
The relations between practice and theory often help me to use synergy effects in both of them. Since 2003 there also have been some activities as freelancer in the area of Software
Engineering, Web Engineering, Database Design as well as the underlying Network and System Design, Architecture and Administration. One of my best reference projects is the
design, implementation, integration and maintenance of a all-embracing web management software for the biggest sport hotel of East
Germany Sportpark Rabenberg.
Currently I'm concentrating on our research activities around Web Engineering, especially the idea of Linked Data.
My thesis cover the design and evolution of distributed applications dealing with distributed data across different systems, architectures and federation aspects.
To improve my management skills I became the Product Owner for further development of the WebComposition/Data Grid Services (DGS) with
a Team of 10 students. Using methods of agile management, especially SCRUM as an agile software development method, shows how effective the Team Development can be.
I have published my first scientific papers about the Idea of Lightweight Data Integration using our WebComposition/DGS at
the 9th International Conference of Web Engineering (ICWE). With a lot of inspiration by current research topics
I will publish more about our DGS and its posibilities around the Idea of Linked Data in the context of Web 2.0 Applications.
Current Student Projects (Advisor)
- Ralph Sommermeier, Andreas Heil, Martin Gaedke (2009): Conference Paper "Lightweight Data Integration using the WebComposition Data Grid Service"
- Ralph Sommermeier (2008): Thesis "Konzeption eines Frameworks zur Erstellung von grafischen Benutzerschnittstellen mit der IDE Powerbuilder"
- Ralph Sommermeier (2008): Thesis "Konzeption einer Serviceinfrastruktur für den Informationsfluss zwischen verteilten Systemen"