Masterarbeit / Praktikum / Bachelorarbeit
Assisted Capture of User-provided Structured Data
Research Area

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heil

Case Management Systems assist knowledge workers in weakly-structured creative processes. To provide this support, systems aggregate relevant data such as goals to achieve, tasks to be done, documents and content related to the case, contact information of involved persons etc. in a virtual case file.
Along with unstructured content such as images, audio files and documents, case management requires structured data like name, address, payment details etc. Therefore an approach is needed which provides an intuitive, end user friendly way to define the data which is needed (cf. Webcomposition/UIX (Formgenerator)), automatically creates dialogues and forms to capture the data (even from persons not directly participating in the case), storing it persistently and, for confidential data, also securely and interface case data to consumers (e.g. BPMS, Scripts, Rule Engines) using a RESTful interface within the case context.