Tempo markers

Inserting tempo markers

To insert a tempo marker make sure NtEd is in insert mode (see The 3 modes). Choose:

Inserttempo ...

The tempo dialog appears:

the tempo dialog

Select a tempo symbol and a tempo and press "OK"! Then click at the position to place the tempo marker on.

Change the tempo markers's position

To move a tempo marker make sure NtEd is in edit mode (see The 3 modes). Select the tempo marker by left clicking it. The selected symbol appears in red. Hold left mouse button and move the mouse. The tempo marker moves accordingly.

Although the tempo markers appear to be free replaceable, they are always assigned to a symbol. The symbol is shown by a thin light blue line:

the assignment of tempo markers

This has consequences:

  • NtEd tries to keep the position of the tempo marker relative to the symbol it is assigned to;

  • NtEd copies the tempo marker if the symbol it is assigned to is copied;

  • NtEd removes the tempo marker if the symbol it is assigned to is removed;

Changing the tempo values

To change the tempo value and/or symbol right click the tempo marker. The tempo dialog appears:

the tempo dialog

Select a marker symbol and a tempo and press OK!

Removing tempo markers

To remove a tempo marker make sure NtEd is in edit mode (see The 3 modes). Select the tempo marker by left clicking it. The selected symbol appears in red. Press Backspace key and the tempo marker vanishes.