Horizontal lines

Inserting horizontal lines

NtEd allows you to insert some horizontal lines. Among them (de-)crescendo (hairpins), va8, vb8, ma15, and mb15 lines. To insert a line make sure NtEd is in insert mode (see The 3 modes). Choose:

InsertInsert lines ...

The line dialog appears:

the line dialog

Select a line by clicking on the appropriate box. The selected line appears red hemmed:

the line dialog (selected)

Press OK and then left click the position where the line shall appear. A appropriate line is created:

a (de-)crescendo is created

As you can see the line has 2 handles. By left clicking and dragging these handles you can determine the position and length:

a (de-) crescendo is placed


If you want a line to span multiple staves first move the end point vertically, even if the handle does not immedietely follow the mouse cursor!

create multi stave lines

Note! The left handle determins the start position. The right handle only determins the horizontal end point, not the vertical position!

Modifiying lines

Although the line handles appear to be free replaceable, they are always assigned to a symbol. The symbol is shown by a thin light blue line:

the assignment of the crescendo handles

This has consequences:

  • NtEd tries to keep the position of the line handle relative to the symbol it is assigned to;

  • NtEd removes the line if the symbol it is assigned to is removed;

  • NtEd influences the MIDI replay of the appropriate staff, if possible;

To change a line's length and position make sure NtEd is in edit mode (see The 3 modes). Select the start of a line with left mouse button. The 2 handles appear again:

the selection of the crescendo handles

Thus, you can change the line's length and position again by dragging the 2 handles.

Deleting a line

To delete a line make sure NtEd is in edit mode (see The 3 modes). Again: You can achieve this mode temporarily by pressing the Ctrl key. Left click the start of a line. The selected handle appears in red color. Press the backspace key and the line will be deleted.

(de-)crescendo (hairpins)

To determine the MIDI behaviour of the (de-)crescendo make sure NtEd is in edit mode (see The 3 modes). Select the start of a (de-)crescendo with right mouse button. The volume dialog appears:

the volume dialog

Define the MIDI volume difference caused by the (de-) crescendo and press OK!

Ottava brackets: va8, bv8, ma15, mb15

These symbols change the octave of the enclosed notes.