Repeats and other bar types

Simple Repeats

To place a repeat open or repeat close make sure NtEd is in edit mode (see The 3 modes). Right click a measure line. The repeat dialog appears:

the repeat dialog

Choose one of the offered repeat types by clicking the up/down arrow and press Ok button. The appropriate measure changes its type:

the repeat open measure


If you select a closing repeat on repeat dialog the checkbox alternative1 is enabled. If you check it the checkbox alternative2 is enabled:

the alternative checkboxes

This way you can place the appropriate alternatives:

the alternative

Both alternatives cover one measure at start. To change the alternative's width select 1. or 2. with left mouse click. The selected number appears red:

the selected alternative

Change the alternative width by pressing the left/right cursor key:

the changed alternative

To delete an alternative select the appropriate closing repeat and deselect the appropriate checkbox.

End bar

The same way you can insert an end bar:

double bar and end bar

If you choose the end bar or repeat close you can control by hide following whether or not NtEd draws elements following the end bar on the same system:

the end bar dialog


It is your responsibility to delete following systems or pages!

the end bar dialog

Double bar

The same way you can insert a double bars:

double bar