Export LilyPond

LilyPond (http://lilypond.org/) is cetrainly the music typesetter with the best output. This mainly for 2 reasons:

Furthermore, LilyPond has a lot of music orthographical knowledge, which prevents notation errors.

LilyPond creates a PostScript or PDF output from a file which contains a text transcription of the music. For example, the input:

\relative c' { \clef treble \key d \major
   d4  e  fis  g a  b  cis  d 

causes the following output:

NtEd Mainwindow

NtEd can create the LilyPond text transcription. Choose:

FileExport LilyPond...

The LilyPond export dialog appears:

LilyPond export dialog

On checkbox at the head you can determine whether or not NtEd shall place \break statments to achieve the same line breaks as in NtEd score.

If you want to export a subset of staves press the select staves button. The staff selection dialog appears:

the staff selection dialog

Select a subset of staves. To select more than 1 staff press Ctrl during selection. To select a range of staves press and hold Shift. Then select the first and the last staff of the range.

LilyPond has its own beaming rules. Therefore, the LilyPond beaming differs from NtEd-beaming. If you want the same beams as in NtEd then select the keep beams button. Select the staves to keep the beams for and press OK.

Choose a File name - the suffix should be .ly - and press OK.

To produce a PostScript or PDF output from this file install LilyPond and type:

lilypond <filename>.ly

To preview and/or print the output use your preferred view/print commands (gv, ggv, evince, xpdf, lpr, kprinter, ...).


As mentioned above, LilyPond uses its own placement strategie and its own fonts. As a consequence the WYSIWYG principle is broken. The output differs from NtEd score.