
Page layout

To change the page layout choose:

FileConfigure Paper ...

Choose A3, A4, A5, B4, Letter, Legal, or 230x293 and the orientation (portrait or landscape).

Navigation on pages

NtEd presents the score on a seeming endless paper. You can move this paper in page mode (see The 3 modes). Again: You can achieve this mode temporarily by pressing the Shift key. In page mode if you hold the left mouse button and move the mouse the paper moves accordingly.

Furthermore you can jump to a certain page by using the page selector () ot the page up/down keys.

Furthermore you can use the mouse wheel to navigate on page.

Delete the last page

If there is more than one page you can delete the last page. Choose:

EditRemove last page

Remove empty pages at end

Under some circumstances it can happen that there are some empty pages at score end, i.e. pages which consist of only rest. To delete these pages choose:

EditRemove empty pages