
Create tuplets

NtEd can deal with tuplets from 2 to 13. To create a tuplet select a note or rest which shall be the first member of the tuplet. Press Ctrl and the tuplet val number. For instance: If you want a quarter note to be the first member of a triplet then select the quarter note:

before triplet creation

and press Ctrl + 3:

after triplet creation (method1)

There is a 2nd procedure if you press Ctrl+Alt+<num> instead, the result is:

after triplet creation (method2)

What's the difference? In first case NtEd regards the selected note as the first triplet member. In 2nd case it assumes the selected quarter has the length of the first 2 triplet members. This is especially useful for swing music where the combination shown above occurs very often.

Delete tuplets

To delete a tuplet select any tuplet member and choose:

EditRemove tuplet

Tuplets from 10 to 13

To create a tuplet with value greater then 9 choose:

InsertInsert tuplet ...

Set the tuplet value on dialog! To create a tuplet according to 2nd method (see above) select the method 2 check box.